Work With Me

Want an editor’s eye on your work-in-progress?
I offer tailored editorial services to writers who seek a professional assessment and response to their work. If you’re interested in working with me, I will first read a sample of your work, and we’ll then decide together whether you’re looking for a developmental edit (big-picture feedback on plot, character, pacing, and marketability) or a line edit (a more detailed focus on language usage).

Looking for a creative writing speaker for your enrichment event?
I speak at conferences, libraries, and enrichment events about the writing process, the role of storytelling, and how to nurture creativity in our daily lives. I am also available to present to writing groups—including school groups—about the craft of writing, with a focus on plot, character, setting, pacing, or other craft elements.

Writing Workshops
Does your writer’s group need a one-off creative and inspirational workshop?
For several years I have been teaching creative writing to adults and teens, with the purpose of helping passionate writers take their work to a higher level. Using writing prompts and other tools to spark word flow, I aim to help increase writers’ productivity while providing the support and constructive commentary that can help writers hone and polish their work.
Let’s get started.
Email me at to talk about your project.